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Items filtered by date: Июль 2015


Innovative Technology, a leading global provider of cash handling technology, has opened its doors to twenty-one school, college and university students, the largest group ever to join its summer programme for students.
Now in its fourth year, the structured work experience scheme offers students valuable paid experience over the summer and is part of Innovative Technology’s continuing commitment to the development of science and engineering skills in the North West. Responding to record levels of interest and continued strong growth in demand for its products, the programme was expanded by over 60% this year. Over 30% of this year’s intake are returning students.
School leavers, college and university students commenced work in early July and will complete their programme at the end of August, gaining an insight into the practical applications of their studies and obtaining real work experience. The students are working across all parts of the business from recruitment and IT, to operations and mechanical and electronics engineering and are coached and mentored during their time with the firm.
Aidan Towey, Managing Director of Innovative Technology said: “We’re delighted to have been able to expand the programme this year. As a global leader in technology we recognise the importance of high quality education at all levels, but that is just part of the equation. Young people need real experience of work too. Business leaders continue to complain that young people aren’t prepared for work, yet very few actually offer it themselves. Properly structured paid work experience is a win-win situation. Young people bring new ideas and a different perspective which can inject new life into projects. As an employer, we benefit from the opportunity to harness and develop any young talent we spot. I just wish more businesses would give it a go and open their doors to students of all ages. Meaningful, paid work experience needs to become the norm.” 
Kaine Chapman (17), from Oldham, who is studying A-level chemistry, biology and geology at Oldham Sixth Form College and is on his first placement at Innovative Technology, said: “My placement has been specifically designed to suit me, focusing on material sciences. I’ve tested and analysed materials using a range of techniques, including infrared spectrometer techniques. This is the best work placement I've ever had. I've been to other businesses where I just stuffed envelopes but this is totally different. I love it - it's really interesting.”
Carole Harker, Innovative Technology’s Recruitment Manager, said: “The success this year is in the diversity of applicants we've attracted and the experiences we’re offering. While the scheme covers all areas of our business, there is a strong bias to science, engineering and software skills. These skills are the driving force of Innovative Technology’s success and are vital to our future. We’re delighted to be able to offer paid work experience to the next generation of innovators.”
The scheme builds on the success of Innovative Technology’s existing initiatives, including its industrial placement programme and graduate recruitment, which have contributed strongly to the continued growth of the business.
Innovative Technology is continuing to expand and currently has a wide range of career opportunities for creative and motivated individuals across the fields of software and mechanical design engineering. Full details can be found with the careers section of our website.
Image shows: Kaine Chapman, Aidan Towey and some of this year's summer placement students
To find out more about some of the students currently on placement this year follow us on Facebook.
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Innovative Technology, a leading global provider of cash handling technology, is celebrating today after being recognised as one of the top 200 private companies in Britain in terms of international sales growth.


Published yesterday The Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200 ranks Britain's mid-market private companies with the fastest-growing international sales, measured over their latest two years of available accounts. Making their debut in the list, Innovative Technology ranked 113, generating £23m of international sales in 2014 representing overseas sales growth of 30%.


A market leader in the cash handling field, Innovative Technology pride themselves on providing new innovative solutions for customers worldwide. By developing products that customers really need and want ITL’s business has grown significantly. Earlier this year Innovative Technology celebrated the opening of a new, state of the art, 3300m2 head office and global development facility on the Innovative Business Park in Oldham.


Tom Pennington-Brookfield, Finance Director commented, “We’re extremely proud to have been recognised in the International Track 200 in our first year of entering. The listing is a fantastic recognition of our continuing growth and expanding global footprint. Over the last twelve months we have opened offices in Asia-Pacific, Italy and the USA, giving us nine offices across five continents, helping us become a truly global company.”


Aidan Towey, Managing Director said, “Being recognised in this year’s International Track 200 is a credit to all of our 270 staff worldwide who ensure that our cash handling product range stays at the forefront of technical innovation. Our strategy of investing heavily in new technology, our people and our state of the art R&D and head office facilities has paid dividends. To ensure we maintain our market leading position, and build on this success we will continue to move into new geographies and new markets. To do this we’re creating new highly skilled jobs for electronic, software and mechanical engineers, physicists and mathematicians. We need more highly skilled people to develop the products of the future.”


The International Track 200 is Innovative Technology’s second Fast Track award having been named the 13th fastest growing private company in 2014.  


Full details of The Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200 can be found at: www.fasttrack.co.uk/fasttrack/leagues/int200programme.html



International Track


International Track 200 ranks Britain’s private companies with turnover of more than £25m by fastest growing overseas sales. It is produced by Fast Track, the Oxford firm that researches Britain’s top performing private companies.

Published in News
Понедельник, 06 July 2015 00:00

European Central Bank (ECB) Approval

Which ITL validators are ECB approved?

Innovative Technology Ltd. (ITL) are pleased to announce independent approval from the European Central Bank (ECB) for their note validator (NV) range. The ECB authenticate validators that successfully recognise the difference between genuine and counterfeit Euro banknotes. ITL’s NV9 USB+, NV10 USB+, NV200 and NV200 Spectral all received a 100% pass rate during testing last month at De Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam. 


Damian Roach, Test Currency Engineer, conducted the test in Amsterdam, “Once again, we are proud to have passed the ECB’s strict testing process. The results independently acknowledge the reliability of our note validator range for their ability to identify genuine Euro notes and reject counterfeits. Our products were tested with the latest version of SPF™ technology and all passed 100%. We are constantly developing our global currency dataset files, adding new issue notes and known frauds, to ensure we maintain our leading acceptance rates across our note validator range.”


The test results are published to help manufactures choose the counterfeit detection equipment most suitable for their needs. The full listing of the test results can be found on the ECB’s website.

Published in FAQ
Innovative Technology, a leading global provider of cash handling technology to the gaming, amusement, vending, retail and kiosk industries, today announced that its range of banknote validators has received independent certification from the European Central Bank (ECB).
Innovative Technology’s banknote validators have received ECB approval for their ability to recognise genuine and counterfeit Euro banknotes. It’s NV9 USB+, NV10 USB and NV200 banknote validators were tested at De Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam and all achieved 100% in the test. 
Dr Matt Strong, Research Manager at Innovative Technology commented: “Our banknote validators have again identified 100% of the genuine and counterfeit Euro banknotes. This is particularly pleasing as it’s the first ECB test to include SPF3 technology, our next generation banknote validation algorithms, which utilises much more real banknote data than previous versions. We’re constantly developing our mathematical techniques and global currency datasets to ensure we remain at the forefront of validation technology, so it’s great to receive this independent certification from the ECB.”
SPF3 contains Innovative Technology’s latest banknote validation algorithms, extracting features from more data points than ever before to quickly and accurately distinguish genuine from counterfeit notes. This update in SPF™ technology increases the resilience of Innovative Technology’s products to counterfeit banknotes whilst maintaining their industry leading speed and accuracy.
The test results, which are published by the ECB to assist banknote users when selecting appropriate counterfeit detection equipment, can be found online here.
Innovative Technology will issue new Euro datasets later this month containing the new €20 banknote which is due to enter circulation on the 25th November, providing customers across Europe sufficient time to update validators in the field.
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С удовольствием сообщаем, что прошивки под Евро и все мультипрошивки содержащие Евро валюту будут опубликованы нашей компанией в пятницу 17 июля. Новая банкнота достоинством в 20 евро будет выпущена в оборот 25 ноября и все операторы, и агенты должны будут обновить свое ПО своего оборудования для обеспечения приема данной купюры.

Чтобы облегчить данное задание, мы обновим все прошивки с Евро валютой и обеспечим доступ к ним у нас на сайтедля всех зарегистрированных пользователей уже с пятницы 17 июля.

Чтобы лучше защитить ее от подделки, в данной купюре были добавлены различные признаки подлинности, такие как портретное окошко и голограмма. Больше информации можно найти на сайте Европейского Центрального Банка.

Валидаторы от Инновейтив Технолоджи можно просто и быстро обновить при помощи компьютера или программатора DA3. Так же как и при выпуске предыдущих новых купюр, мы выпустим SMARTUpdateToolдля купюры достоинством в 20 Евро чтобы облегчить процесс обновления прошивок для операторов, у которых установлено множество наших продуктов.

Больше информации будет предоставлено в нашем техническом бюллетене, а если Вам понадобится помощь в данном вопросе, то пожалуйста обратитесь к любому сотруднику технического отдела или просто напишите нам на Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра..


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