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La verifica dell'età di ITL riceve una certificazione indipendenteIl dispositivo di verifica dell'età di Innovative Technology (ICU) ha ottenuto un riconoscimento indipendente dall'Age Check Certification Scheme (ACCS) come soluzione qualificata per controllare l'accesso a beni e servizi con restrizioni di età.  Il rapporto dell'ACCS ha concluso che ICU è adatto all'impiego in un'area politica Challenge 25 ed è affidabile almeno al 98,85%. Il dottor Andrew O'Brien, Product Manager di ICU, ha annunciato: "Siamo lieti di essere uno dei primi fornitori a ricevere questa certificazione solida e imparziale da ACCS, che ci dà un sigillo di approvazione per il nostro dispositivo…
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Innovative Technology Ltd have recently joined the Age Verification Providers Association (AVPA) adding their support to the Association’s goal to educate the market about the emergence of new tools for automated age verification.Innovative Technology Ltd is a global organisation that provide cash handing and biometric solutions. Their ICU - Intelligent Identification edge solution uses specially trained algorithms to perform age verification to control access to age restricted goods and services and facial recognition technology to accurately identify and verify individuals.  AVPA is the global trade body for independent providers of privacy-protecting, standards-based, age assurance technology. It is a not-for-profit global trade…
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CashGenic, the hygienic cash automation kit from Innovative Technology, enables customers to pay with cash both safely and hygienically. Since it was first launched last year, ITL have secured several distribution suppliers firstly within the UK and now across Europe.The COVID crisis highlighted the need for businesses to accept cash while maintaining social distancing.  Paying by cash carries no fees so remains a popular choice of payment and cash in circulation is still on the increase.Christian Dieterich, CEO, Perfect Money, provider of innovative payment solutions based in south Germany commented, “We decided to expand our product portfolio to include the…
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Il NV200 Spectral di Innovative Technology è ormai affermato sul mercato come validatore di banconote altamente sicuro e tecnologicamente avanzato, progettato per garantire un'efficiente elaborazione del contante. È la base per diversi nuovi prodotti della gamma Spectral che ITL ha lanciato negli ultimi anni e, grazie al suo design modulare, permette ai clienti di aggiungere facilmente funzionalità aggiuntive come il riciclaggio delle banconote o l'alimentazione delle banconote a mazzette. La suite di prodotti NV200 Spectral può essere utilizzata in un'ampia varietà di applicazioni con installazioni internazionali in continua crescita. Commentando la suite NV200 Spectral, Thorsten Labusch, VP of Sales & Business…
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Notwithstanding the global situation, VendExpo in Moscow took place last week spanning over three days in the Russian capital.  The 14th international exhibition of vending technologies and self-service systems was held at the Expo centre and was one of the first major global exhibitions to take place since the pandemic began last year.Commenting on ITL’s presence at the show, Georgiy Frolov, Business Development Manager said, “VendExpo was a welcome opportunity to meet up with partners, colleagues and customers given the past year we have all had. Despite the expected reduction in customer traffic compared to previous years, the show was…
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