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Leading cash handling provider, Innovative Technology (ITL), are delighted to welcome Yap F. Lim into the role of Business Development Manager for Southeast Asia. Yap is based in Malaysia and will be responsible for sales activities in the growing SE Asia region. Welcoming Yap to the organisation, Marcus Tiedt, Sales & Marketing Director for ITL said, “Yap will be responsible for securing new business opportunities throughout this vast area. He will work alongside Kravitz Liew and our team in China to explore this growing market and introduce Innovative’ s product range to new customers. Yap joined whilst in the middle of…
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Innovative Technology are exhibiting at IFSEC International Connect from 1-30 June. This online marketplace and meetings event provides an opportunity to connect with international security colleagues and suppliers in the absence of the IFSEC physical exhibition which was due to take place in July. IFSEC International Connect will cover the latest trends and developments in access control, video surveillance and intruder detection.ITL will be promoting their ICU Intelligent Identification biometric solution. Ideal for security and construction it can be used to automate access control to buildings, vehicles and machinery.  Dr Andrew O’Brien, ICU Product Manager announced, “We are delighted to…
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ITL’s age verification receives independent certificationInnovative Technology’s age verification device (ICU) has earned independent recognition from the Age Check Certification Scheme (ACCS) as a solution qualified to control access to age restricted goods and services.  The ACCS report concluded that ICU is fit for deployment in a Challenge 25 policy area and is at least 98.85% reliable.Dr Andrew O’Brien, ICU Product Managerannounced “We are delighted to be one of the first providers to receive this robust, impartial certification from ACCS which gives us a seal of approval for our artificial intelligence (AI) powered age verification device. The results highlight that…
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ITL的年龄验证获得独立认证创新科技公司的年龄验证装置(ICU)已获得年龄检查认证计划(ACCS)的独立认可,成为有资格控制进入年龄限制商品和服务的解决方案。 ACCS报告认为,ICU适合在 "挑战25 "政策领域部署,并且至少有98.85%的可靠性。 ICU产品经理Andrew O'Brien博士宣布:"我们很高兴成为首批获得ACCS强大、公正认证的供应商之一,这使我们的人工智能(AI)年龄验证设备获得了认可。结果显示,ICU平均只低估了0.19岁,平均绝对误差为1.22岁,使我们成为世界上最准确的供应商之一。 我们为这一成就感到特别自豪,因为我们为开发自己的算法做了大量艰苦的工作;使用新的方法来准确验证年龄。现在的挑战是不断改进,继续走在提供世界领先结果的前列"。 创始人兼首席执行官托尼-艾伦解释说:"年龄检查认证计划(ACCS)是一个独立的第三方认证计划,用于限制年龄的销售、内容或服务的提供者。年龄检查认证计划根据ISO 17065:2013对产品、流程和服务进行合格评估。我们基本上是测试年龄检查系统的工作,并能针对多种验证方法产生准确的年龄属性输出,从而给供应商一个独立的基准。" ICU利用专门训练的算法,可以利用创新的非侵入式反欺骗技术检测欺诈企图,不需要专业相机。有了ICU,设备上不存储任何图像或个人数据,因此不存在数据合规问题。ICU的 "纯年龄 "选项为客户提供了一个离线的、负担得起的解决方案,其一次性费用包括无限制的年龄估计作为标准。 年龄检查技术在英国内政部的议程上占有重要地位,最近特拉福德的威廉姆斯男爵夫人宣布,已经邀请有执照和无执照的零售商、酒吧和餐馆提出建议,在进行年龄验证时试用新技术。成功的零售商将能够试用新技术,以改善根据《2003年许可证法》销售酒类的特定背景下的身份检查过程。 安德鲁继续说:"ICU可以帮助支持2003年《许可法》的目标,即保护儿童免受伤害,确保公共安全和防止公害和骚乱。 各机构有责任确保他们不向未达到最低法定年龄的人出售限制年龄的产品(包括在其场所和网上)或提供限制年龄的服务。人类在预测年龄时往往会有偏见,并可能因为害怕被恐吓而不愿意挑战一个人。ICU最大限度地减少了任何偏见,并消除了零售商确定年龄的负担,以帮助减少潜在的暴力或虐待风险。该技术可以快速确定(不到1秒)一个人是否可以获得年龄限制的商品--从而减少排队和交易时间,给顾客带来更愉快的体验。" 最后,O'Brien博士说:"我们很高兴收到我们的'合格证书',它为我们提供了书面保证,即我们的产品适合部署,以确定18岁(名义年龄)是否会被错误地估计为超过25岁(挑战年龄政策)。"ACCS的这一独立认证再次确认了我们作为年龄验证技术领先供应商的地位。    
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Innovative Technology Ltd have recently joined the Age Verification Providers Association (AVPA) adding their support to the Association’s goal to educate the market about the emergence of new tools for automated age verification.Innovative Technology Ltd is a global organisation that provide cash handing and biometric solutions. Their ICU - Intelligent Identification edge solution uses specially trained algorithms to perform age verification to control access to age restricted goods and services and facial recognition technology to accurately identify and verify individuals.  AVPA is the global trade body for independent providers of privacy-protecting, standards-based, age assurance technology. It is a not-for-profit global trade…
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