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  Innovative Technology, a leading global provider of cash handling technology, has opened its doors to twenty-one school, college and university students, the largest group ever to join its summer programme for students.   Now in its fourth year, the structured work experience scheme offers students valuable paid experience over the summer and is part of Innovative Technology’s continuing commitment to the development of science and engineering skills in the North West. Responding to record levels of interest and continued strong growth in demand for its products, the programme was expanded by over 60% this year. Over 30% of this…
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Innovative Technology, a leading global provider of cash handling technology, is celebrating today after being recognised as one of the top 200 private companies in Britain in terms of international sales growth.   Published yesterday The Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200 ranks Britain's mid-market private companies with the fastest-growing international sales, measured over their latest two years of available accounts. Making their debut in the list, Innovative Technology ranked 113, generating £23m of international sales in 2014 representing overseas sales growth of 30%.   A market leader in the cash handling field, Innovative Technology pride themselves on providing new innovative…
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Innovative Technology, a leading global provider of cash handling technology to the gaming, amusement, vending, retail and kiosk industries, today announced that its range of banknote validators has received independent certification from the European Central Bank (ECB).   Innovative Technology’s banknote validators have received ECB approval for their ability to recognise genuine and counterfeit Euro banknotes. It’s NV9 USB+, NV10 USB and NV200 banknote validators were tested at De Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam and all achieved 100% in the test.    Dr Matt Strong, Research Manager at Innovative Technology commented: “Our banknote validators have again identified 100% of the genuine…
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С удовольствием сообщаем, что прошивки под Евро и все мультипрошивки содержащие Евро валюту будут опубликованы нашей компанией в пятницу 17 июля. Новая банкнота достоинством в 20 евро будет выпущена в оборот 25 ноября и все операторы, и агенты должны будут обновить свое ПО своего оборудования для обеспечения приема данной купюры. Чтобы облегчить данное задание, мы обновим все прошивки с Евро валютой и обеспечим доступ к ним у нас на сайтедля всех зарегистрированных пользователей уже с пятницы 17 июля. Чтобы лучше защитить ее от подделки, в данной купюре были добавлены различные признаки подлинности, такие как портретное окошко и голограмма. Больше информации можно…
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