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€20 update

€20 update - Innovative Technology currency dataset files


The new €20 will enter circulation Wednesday 25th November 2015. We are pleased to inform you that Euro and Euro mixed Innovative Technology currency dataset files, containing the new €20 banknote, will be released on Friday 17th July.

The new design €20 banknote is due for release on Wednesday 25th November and all operators must update their cash handling equipment to be able to accept the new issue banknote when it enters circulation. To ease the burden on operators we will update all applicable Euro currency datasets and make them freely available on our website to all registered users from Friday 17th July. 

Various security features have been incorporated into the new €20 banknote to protect it against counterfeiting, including a portrait window and hologram. More information is available on the European Central Bank's website.


Innovative Technology validators are quick and easy to update via PC or handheld DA3 programmer. As with previous new note releases we will issue a SMART Update Tool for the €20 to further ease the update process for operators with numerous validators in the field.

Further information will follow in our Technical Bulletin but if you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Technical Support Team or email Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..