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Innovative Technology are pleased to announce the appointment of Georgiy Frolov who joined the company recently as Business Development Manager. Georgiy is based in Moscow and his role at ITL will be to develop business across all segments in Russia and the FSU (Former Soviet Union) region.  Thorsten Labusch, VP of Sales & Business Development RKB, commented “Georgiy has been brought on board as our local sales contact in Russia to help us extend our reach, attract new customers and to develop the business in this growing region.  As well as promoting ITL to new customers Georgiy will also assist existing…
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Ambas firmas han trabajado anteriormente y conocen sus procesos productivos. El proveedor de manejo de efectivo Innovative Technology Ltd. (ITL) ha anunciado a Budelmann Elektronik como nuevo socio comercial.Budelmann Elekronik tiene su sede en Alemania y está especializado en sistemas electrónicos y embebidos, soluciones de software y servicios de consultoría. Fue fundada en mayo de 2010 por Christoph Budelmann y en 2012 Jeannine Budelmann se unió al equipo de gestión. Al comentar sobre la asociación, Thorsten Labusch, vicepresidente de ventas y desarrollo comercial de RKB en Innovative Technology, dijo: "Tenemos una relación de largo recorrido con Budelmann desde hace varios años.…
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Leading cash handling equipment provider Innovative Technology Ltd. (ITL) are pleased to announce their newest Trading Partner, Budelmann Elektronik.Budelmann Elekronik are based in Germany and specialise in electronics and embedded systems, software solutions and consultation services.  Budelmann Elektronik was founded in May 2010 by Christoph Budelmann and in 2012 Jeannine Budelmann joined the management team.Commenting on the partnership, Thorsten Labusch VP of Sales & Business Development RKB at Innovative Technology said, “We have had a long-standing relationship with Budelmann for several years. In the past they have developed a couple of components for our products, so they understand our product range…
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Leading cash handling equipment provider Innovative Technology Ltd. (ITL) exhibited their full range of cash handling and TITO products at the largest European gaming exhibition last week. ITL gave new and existing customers a first glimpse of their latest innovation, the NV9 Spectral which attracted considerable interest on the stand.Enrique Jütten, VP of Sales & Business Development commented, “ICE proved to be a great success for us again this year and we were delighted with the constant stream of visitors to the stand over the three days. A key highlight on our stand was the NV9 Spectral which we showcased…
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El proveedor líder de equipos de manejo de efectivo Innovative Technology Ltd. (ITL) exhibió su gama completa de productos y TITO en la mayor exposición europea de juegos (ICE) la semana pasada. ITL brindó a los clientes nuevos y existentes una primera visión de su última innovación, el NV9 Spectral, que despertó un gran interés en el stand. Enrique Jütten, vicepresidente de ventas y desarrollo empresarial, comentó: "ICE demostró ser un gran éxito para nosotros nuevamente este año y estuvimos encantados con el flujo constante de visitantes al stand durante los tres días. Un elemento destacado clave en nuestro stand…
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