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Wir freuen uns Sie darüber informieren zu können, dass wir Ihnen am Freitag den 17. Juli alle Euro-Datensätze mit der neuen 20€ Banknote zur Verfügung stellen werden. Dieses gilt sowohl für die reinen Euro-Datensätze als auch für alle Mix-Datensätze welche die 20€ Banknote beinhalten. Die neu entwickelte 20€ Banknote wird am Mittwoch den 25. November in Umlauf gebracht. Alle Automatenbetreiber müssen bis dahin ihre Banknotenprüfer entsprechend aktualisieren um die neue Banknote verarbeiten zu können. Um die Belastung für die Automatenbetreiber so gering wie möglich zu halten, werden wir alle entsprechenden Datensätze aktualisieren und diese für registrierte Nutzer auf unserer Webseite…
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€20 update

29 June 2015
€20 update - Innovative Technology currency dataset files   The new €20 will enter circulation Wednesday 25th November 2015. We are pleased to inform you that Euro and Euro mixed Innovative Technology currency dataset files, containing the new €20 banknote, will be released on Friday 17th July. The new design €20 banknote is due for release on Wednesday 25th November and all operators must update their cash handling equipment to be able to accept the new issue banknote when it enters circulation. To ease the burden on operators we will update all applicable Euro currency datasets and make them freely available on our website to all registered users from Friday 17th July.  Various security features have been…
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Over 60 business leaders from operators across the UK gaming industry gathered at a series of InnoPrint events during the last week to hear how they can implement an end-to-end TITO solution and for a close look at the latest TITO innovations.   The events, themed TITO – A platform for future success, were specifically designed to help operators get the knowledge and understanding they need to make the most of the opportunities that TITO brings. A series of presentations and demonstrations highlighted the significant benefits that TITO can deliver to both operators and players, as well as the technology…
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Innovative Technology, a leading global provider of cash handling technology, officially opened its new 3300m2 head office and global development centre at the Innovative Business Park in Oldham on Friday with a day of celebrations. UK staff were joined by colleagues from all of Innovative Technology’s European offices to mark the special occasion. The company first moved to the site in 1998 and created Innovative Business Park in 2013 to house their new head office and development centre and to act as an incubator for its high technology subsidiary companies, such as ticketing technology specialist InnoPrint. The continued global success of…
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 The market is changing. Although TITO has been around for a number of years, since the introduction of the Gambling Business Group’s UK Machines Cashless and Ticketing Protocol last year, more and more operators have adopted TITO solutions. To help you understand the operational advantages and learn about how you can implement TITO solutions, we are holding two open events at the end of June in Oldham and Milton Keynes. AgendaThe events will run from 11:00 – 14:00 and include presentations, demonstrations, question-and-answer sessions, as well as lunch and time for networking with industry colleagues.This FREE event will:Show you the opportunities that…
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