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SPF™3 the next generation of banknote validation algorithms

Innovative Technology is proud to announce the release of the latest advancement to their ground-breaking SPF™ currency validation technology, SPF™3.


What is SPF™ Technology?


Innovative Technology has been using SPF™ technology to validate banknotes since its introduction in 2004. Sensor responses from the validator are digitised to produce a stream of numerical data, SPF™ uses advanced mathematical algorithms to analyse this stream of numbers when deciding whether to accept genuine or reject counterfeit notes. In order to maintain the industry-leading speed and accuracy of their validation products, it is vital the mathematical techniques used by ITL remain at the forefront of technology.


The single most important ingredient in the algorithm is the sensor data collected from genuine banknotes. It is vital to know exactly how genuine notes look in order to distinguish genuine from counterfeits. Genuine notes come in a wide variety of conditions depending on age and wear, so whenever possible, ITL  collect data from as wide a spectrum of notes as possible.


The algorithms used in SPF™ technology automatically identify the security features within the note data to distinguish genuine from counterfeit notes and recognise numerous denominations. The algorithms convert the information of the security features into a mathematical function, which can then be applied to any collected data to test that the security feature exists



Introducing SPF™3 Technology


SPF™3 is the next generation of banknote validation algorithms, utilising much more real note data than previous versions of SPF™ technology.


Traditional SPF™ resilience is generated by extracting features from the counterfeit data collected. Conversely, the newly released SPF™3 extracts features from more data points than ever before on both real and counterfeit notes. Customer datasets are generated through many tests; thus ensuring that ITL’s validators are future-proof in terms of unseen counterfeits in the field.


Dr Matt Strong, Research Manager said “Customer currency datasets created with SPF™3, utilise individual sensor tests, in addition to the global sensor approach used in traditional SPF™. Features within the UV or infra-red part of the electromagnetic spectrum, not visible to the naked eye, can be detected and tested individually. Due to the enhanced feature extraction from real note data, SPF™3 customer currency datasets are able to reject a wide range of counterfeit notes without the need for large scale collection”.


 As a market leading provider of cash handling equipment, Innovative Technology continually strive to stay ahead of the market and ensure their technological advances are extremely valuable to both their products and customers. This update in SPF™ technology expands on ITL’s market leading product range produced to broaden the resilience of unseen counterfeits and increase the rejection rate, boosting field proven acceptance rates across multi-currencies.


Initially, SPF™3 will be available for ITL’s flagship NV200 validator with Euro currency datasets from 1st October 2014. Please contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! if you wish to trial SPF™3 on NV9USB, NV10USB, BV100, or NV200 with any other currency.