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ICE 2012 was a special show for Innovative Technology as it marked the start of a year of festivity for the company who this year celebrate ‘20 Years of Innovation’. Sporting a new stand design and two purpose built demonstration units the Innovative Technology stand was a hive of activity with a record number of visitors this year. The complete range of bank note validators and payout solutions were on the stand where Chairman and Founder David Bellis MBE was proudly demonstrating SMART Data. A new software program, SMART Data allows worldwide customers to manage their own data. For example…
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20 Years of Innovation

25 January 2012
2012 will see the start of a year of celebration for Oldham based bank note validator manufacturer Innovative Technology Ltd (ITL) as they celebrate 20 years of Innovation!
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Innovative Technology Ltd (ITL) will be at their regular stand [4260] at ICE as they bring their complete bank note validator range to the show.
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During November & December German subsidiary Automated Transactions (ITL) GmbH held various customer-training courses at their premises in Pinneberg near Hamburg.
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Innovative Technology have moved to a more central stand [154] at EAG 2012 and will bring their complete bank note validator range to the show which will also see the launch of SMART Data.  Created in response to an Industry requirement to combat the turnaround time of fraudulent and bad acceptance issues and overcome the difficultly of sourcing notes, SMART Data is based around a free software program that allows end users to manage, create or customise their own currency dataset files. Using SMART Data customers can add a new issue note to their existing dataset file or eliminate a…
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