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Items filtered by date: Abril 2021
Martes, 27 April 2021 11:59

Email Access - Virtual Exhibition

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Martes, 27 April 2021 11:41

Virtual Exhibition - Email Accessed

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Innovative Technology Ltd have recently joined the Age Verification Providers Association (AVPA) adding their support to the Association’s goal to educate the market about the emergence of new tools for automated age verification.

Innovative Technology Ltd is a global organisation that provide cash handing and biometric solutions. Their ICU - Intelligent Identification edge solution uses specially trained algorithms to perform age verification to control access to age restricted goods and services and facial recognition technology to accurately identify and verify individuals.  

AVPA is the global trade body for independent providers of privacy-protecting, standards-based, age assurance technology. It is a not-for-profit global trade body representing organisations who provide age assurance services (both age verification and age estimation).

Iain Corby from AVPA said, “We would like to welcome Innovative Technology to the Association. The AVPA believes that independent age verification provides significant benefits to consumers, businesses and society and so we look forward to Innovative Technology’s input to achieve this aim.”

Dr Andrew O’Brien, ICU Product Managerannounced “We are delighted to be part of the AVPA and look forward to working with them on their goal to educate and promote a positive image for age verification (AV) solutions and technology. It is the responsibility of organisations to ensure they do not sell age-restricted products (both on their premises and online) or provide age-restricted services to people who are under the minimum legal age.  AVPA with promotion of its members, can help with the prevention of crime and disorder, help public safety and protect children from harm to prevent them accessing age restricted goods, content and services.”

Concluding Andrew said, “The AVPA is dedicated to developing standards for age verification and work closely with regulators to help them understand the AV sector.  It supports best practice and socially-responsible age verification policies.  They are fighting for an open, competitive market for AV services, based on standards and subject to audit and certification.This is something we very much support and look forward to working with the Association and our fellow members over the coming months.”

AVPA Website Listinghttps://avpassociation.com/member/innovative-technology/


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CashGenic, el kit de automatización de efectivo higiénico de Innovative Technology, permite a los clientes pagar con efectivo de forma segura e higiénica. Desde su lanzamiento el año pasado, ITL ha conseguido varios proveedores de distribución, primero en el Reino Unido y ahora en toda Europa. La crisis del COVID puso de manifiesto la necesidad de que los comercios acepten dinero en efectivo manteniendo el distanciamiento social.  El pago en efectivo no conlleva comisiones, por lo que sigue siendo una opción de pago muy popular y el efectivo en circulación sigue aumentando.

Christian Dieterich, director general de Perfect Money, proveedor de soluciones de pago innovadoras con sede en el sur de Alemania, comentó: "Hemos decidido ampliar nuestra cartera de productos para incluir el sistema de manejo de efectivo CashGenic y estamos orgullosos de construir las máquinas (rebautizadas como Vicky) aquí en Alemania. Este cajero inteligente de alto rendimiento tiene unas dimensiones que ahorran espacio, por lo que cabe en cualquier mostrador.  Varios negocios se sorprendieron al descubrir que cuando se instaló Vicky, vieron un aumento de la recaudación en efectivo de alrededor del 10%".


"El pago sin contacto no es sólo para los terminales sin efectivo. Con CashGenic, los clientes introducen sus monedas en la máquina o deslizan los billetes en ella, introducen el importe a pagar y el dispositivo les da el cambio correcto en monedas y billetes. Es una forma segura de proteger al personal y a los clientes sin necesidad de manejar dinero en efectivo en la caja", dijo Patrick Vandeput, de Automation Europe.” Patrick Vandeput, Automation Europe


Thorsten Labusch, vicepresidente de ventas y desarrollo de negocio de ITL, comentó el éxito de la implantación: "El uso de CashGenic ofrece a los clientes la posibilidad de elegir el pago, ya que permite a los que quieren seguir pagando en efectivo hacerlo de forma segura, al tiempo que elimina la necesidad de que los empleados manejen dinero en efectivo. Además, el personal ya no tiene que contar el dinero en efectivo, ya que la máquina lo hace automáticamente, con lo que se ahorra tiempo y se genera una mayor eficiencia para el negocio.  También ayuda a eliminar las pérdidas y los errores de contabilidad, ya que el manejo de efectivo está automatizado".


"Ya sea en el cambio de turno o al final del día, a veces la caja registradora es incorrecta. Puede haber pérdidas debido a procesos de pago incorrectos o a la entrega incorrecta del cambio; con CashGenic nuestros clientes han visto mejoras en la conciliación del efectivo, y está eliminando con éxito el tiempo de recuento del personal en el cierre diario." Alfred Weichselberger, A.u.S. Spielgeräte

Thorsten continuó: "Estoy encantado de ver que tantos socios europeos se han comprometido a suministrar nuestra unidad para permitir los pagos higiénicos en efectivo.  Actualmente tenemos varios socios de CG (Moser Consult Group, DG Automation, Perfect Money, IT Media Consult, A.u.S Spielgeräte y Automation Europe) en Alemania, Austria y Bélgica, y esperamos que esta lista siga creciendo en Europa." 


"Con 12 monedas por segundo, esta máquina de pago automático es una de las más rápidas del mercado. Acelerar los pagos en efectivo, significa más clientes, mayor efectivo y beneficios adicionales." Dincer Güeney, DG Automation

"CashGenic es la solución perfecta en el punto de venta.  Como funciona independientemente del sistema de caja registradora existente, proporciona un control centralizado de su inventario de efectivo y acelera y asegura todos los procesos de efectivo en el día a día del negocio"Thomas Moser, Moser Consult Group


Thorsten concluyó: "Estamos especialmente orgullosos de nuestra expansión por toda Alemania, Reino Unido, España, Austria y Bélgica. Demuestra claramente la demanda en el mercado minorista de sistemas de pago automático de efectivo rentables".


Visite nuestra página de productos CashGenic para obtener más información.



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CashGenic, the hygienic cash automation kit from Innovative Technology, enables customers to pay with cash both safely and hygienically. Since it was first launched last year, ITL have secured several distribution suppliers firstly within the UK and now across Europe.

The COVID crisis highlighted the need for businesses to accept cash while maintaining social distancing.  Paying by cash carries no fees so remains a popular choice of payment and cash in circulation is still on the increase.

Christian Dieterich, CEO, Perfect Money, provider of innovative payment solutions based in south Germany commented, “We decided to expand our product portfolio to include the CashGenic cash handling system and are proudly building the machines (renamed Vicky) here in Germany. This high-performance, smart cash dispenser has space-saving dimensions so fits onto any counter.  Several businesses were surprised to discover that when Vicky was installed, they saw an uplift in cash takings of around 10%.”

Contactless payment is not only for cashless terminals.  With CashGenic customers throw their coins into the machine or slide bills into it.The amount to be paid is entered and the correct change is given out by the device in coins and bills. It provides a safe way to protect your staff and customers without the need to handle cash at the checkout.”Patrick Vandeput, Automation Europe

Commenting on the success of the roll-out, Thorsten Labusch, VP of Sales & Business Development at ITL said, “Using CashGenic gives customers payment choice by allowing those who still want to make cash payments to do so safely whilst eliminating the need for employees to handle cash. In addition, staff no longer need to count cash as the machine automatically does this, therefore saving time and generating greater efficiencies for the business.  It also helps eliminate shrinkage and accounting errors as cash handling is automated.”

“Whether at the shift change or at the end of the day, sometimes the cash register is incorrect. There can be losses due to incorrect payment processes or incorrect giving of change – with CashGenic our customers have seen improvements in cash reconciliation, and it is successfully removing the counting time for staff at daily closing.”
Alfred Weichselberger, A.u.S. Spielgeräte

Thorsten continued, “I am delighted to see so many European partners have now committed to supply our unit to enable hygienic cash payments.  We currently have several CG partners (Moser Consult Group, DG-Automaten, Perfect Money, IT Media Consult, A.u.S Spielgeräte and Automation Europe) across Germany, Austria and Belgium and fully expect this list to continue to grow within Europe.”


“With 12 coins per second, this automatic payment machine is one of the fastest on the market! Speeding up cash payments, means more customers, increased cash and additional profit.”
Dincer GüeneyDG-Automaten

“CashGenic is the perfect solution at the point of sale.  Because it works independently of the existing cash register system it provides a central control of your cash inventory and accelerates and secures all cash processes in day-to-day business.”Thomas Moser, Moser Consult Group


Thorsten concluded, “We are particularly proud of our expansion throughout the whole of Germany, UK, Spain, Austria and Belgium. It clearly shows the demand in the Retail market for cost efficient automatic cash payment systems."



Visit our CashGenic Product Page for more information.


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